Glessom Cosmed Pvt. Ltd.

Beauty can Make Your Day

Ketsome Cream

Ketoconazole USP 2.0%w/w, Cream Base Q.S.

Ketsome Cream contains ketoconazole, which is used to treat certain serious yeast and fungal infections in the body. Ketoconazole belongs to the class of drugs called azole antifungal. It works by stopping the growth of the fungus. Ketoconazole cream is prescribed to treat a number of different types of fungal and yeast infections. These include ringworm, athlete\\\'s foot, jock itch, thrush infections of the skin and vagina, and skin conditions that are caused by infections with the yeast pityrosporum, such as seborrheic dermatitis and pityriasis versicolor.

Gently apply Ketsome Cream on affected part of the skin 2 to 3 times daily or as directed by your health care practitioner.